Friday, February 11, 2011

Random Extra Thoughts on Egypt

Just a few thoughts that I've collected over the course of the day...

1.  I knew they were full of horse shit when I heard them say it, but to all the "experts," talking heads, pundits, etc., who fretted over the Egyptian protesters, saying that they had no chance of being successful because they "lacked leadership, someone to show them the way," a hale and heartly "Fuck you."  That's one of the problems we have right here in our own country, assholes:  People are always waiting for a leader or a savior of some sort to fix our problems.  Sure, leaders can be helpful, I'm not at all against them, but, you know, sometimes, all it takes is for enough people to get pissed off about something and commit to doing what it takes to make it change.  We could use a little of that right here at home. 

2.  Americans don't have the exclusive rights to Democracy.  We didn't invent it, we haven't perfected it, hell, at this point, I'm not even sure we have it.  The facts that people look different, speak a "funny" language, and live in a country far away from our own doesn't preclude them understanding the concept.  And, don't be surprised when the Egyptian model of democracy doesn't look exactly like ours.  Hint:  They're not us.

3.  When will people in this country finally get fed up enough to take to the streets and risk their lives to stand up for themselves?  For all the "America, Fuck Yeah!" talk that goes on, we're actually pretty fucking servile and complacent.  I suppose that as long as we have football and American Idol and Jersey Shore, we'll be content with 10% unemployment, corporate dominance, the subjugation of women and gays...

4.  Richard Engel deserves a Pulitzer for his coverage of this.  And, he deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for being able to restrain himself from cockpunching Brian Williams.

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