Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Is this thing on?

Well, I've finally decided to start a blog. I've avoided it for this long, as I really haven't had the time or the inclination to maintain it in a manner that would meet my standards for a "real" blog. But, in the end, I figured it was more important to me to have a place of my own to post my ramblings than to try to adhere to some standard. So, herein I will post about things that piss me off, things that make me smile, and perhaps, occasionally, offer a little insight. Assuming that at some point in time, someone other than me will actually read this space, welcome, and feel free to join the conversation.


Dirk Gently said...


(what happened to suck on this?)

Thinly Veiled said...

I really wanted to use that, dirk, but then I thought of the possible ramifications in terms of porn spam, and, well, I just don't have that much time... ;)

Marcellina said...

cool, a new blog! I like your writing, and look forward to stopping by.

Arabella Trefoil said...

Congratulations on your new home. I left a geranium plant by the front door.
