So, you get laid off from your job, can't pay your bills. Your credit score takes a shit, and you can't get a job because you've been unemployed too long and your credit score now sucks and employers run a credit check so if your credit sucks you can't get a job. Then, when all is lost and you're sitting in the cold, in the dark, contemplating committing suicide but you can't because you can't afford the drugs or a gun or a sharp razor blade, or bus fare to the nearest overpass or tall building, a nice policeman shows up at your door with a warrant and slaps you in handcuffs and takes you to the crowbar hotel, but hey, at least you've got three hots and a cot, so things could be worse, right? Oh, and when you get out, you're completely unemployable because now, you have a criminal record. What in the high and mighty fuck is wrong with this motherfucking country that people think this is an appropriate way to function? Seriously, I'm glad that I'm old and have bad habits. I can't take much more of this shit.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Go To Jail, Go Directly To Jail
Saw an article about this a couple of days ago. I had no idea, and I pay attention.
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